A few facts

Who I Am

Once upon a time, I was born in Belgium. The twenty following years, I lived there and became interested in sciences, technologies and space. I’ve started to study engineering there, then continued in France. From that point in time, I have lived in a few different places in Europe and I’m now in Stockholm. Only time will tell what the next place will be or if there will be one.

What I Do

From a professional point of view, I’m somewhere between control system engineering and software development (you can find more details there.) Aside from my job, I also play piano (and I’m trying to learn guitar, but I’m procrastrinate that a lot). I do some scuba diving when I have the possibility to find warm water, I should try to do it here but the water temperature is not very appealing. I used to pilot planes and I will probably do it again one day, but I’ve not a lot of time to invest in this these days.

What I Like

I like to learn new things. It can be related to space, to engineering or in domains completely unrelated. Internet is really a nice place to learn useful facts or to waste an impressive amount of time. Anyway if you have some time to spend you should probably take a look at Coursera or edX. On completely unrelated subject, I like to listen to music, I like beers (Belgian or not), going to the cinema or playing video games.

About This Site

This site is powered by Hugo with a theme based on Hugo-Uno. The picture of the Space Shuttle docked on the ISS has been taken by astronaut Paolo Nespoli and can be found in full resolution here.